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Copy Elements

You can make copies of text, single elements, and also entire structures in Paligo. This can make it easier and quicker to create content that is similar to content that already exists. Instead of creating the content from scratch, you can make a copy and then edit the copy to meet your requirements. This is similar to how you might work in word processors and text editors.

But Paligo also has content reuse features, where you can reuse the same piece of content (block element) wherever you need it. So before you start copying your content, you should consider which approach is best for you, copying or content reuse. If you intend to have the exact same content in multiple places, it is usually better to reuse the content rather than make copies. To find out more, see About Reusing Content.


To copy a publication, see Publications.

You can use the XML Tree View to make a copy of an element in a topic. Paligo adds the copy directly after the original version, and then you can move the copy in the structure if needed.

When you copy an element, Paligo duplicates:

  • The element

  • Any text or other content inside the element

  • Any "child" elements inside the element

  • Any text or other content from inside the "child" elements.

All of the copies are new versions that reproduce the content and structure of the original versions. They have unique IDs and are separate from the original versions. If you use the XML Tree View to make a copy, and then you edit the copy, the changes will only apply to the copy. They will not apply to the original version (the XML Tree View copy is not content reuse).

To copy an element using the XML Tree View:

  1. Open a topic in the editor and select the XML Tree View in the side panel.

    The XML Tree View shows the main elements in your topic as blue boxes, arranged in a hierarchy that matches the structure. Any box with a white cross has lower level content. If you select the white cross icon, the tree expands to show the lower levels.

    XML Tree View. It shows the hierarchical structure of the current topic. There are blue boxes for each of the block elements, organized in a hierarchy.
    XML tree view of a topic. It shows section at the top level. Second level elements are title, para, and table. Inside the table there is a tbody element. Inside the tbody element there are 5 tr elements, each representing a table row.
  2. Expand the hierarchy until you can see the element that you want to copy.

  3. Position the cursor over the element you want to copy.

    Paligo displays a copy icon and a delete icon.

    XML Tree View showing the structure of a topic. There is a section at the top level. Inside that, there is a title, para, and a table. The cursor is on the para element and there is a copy icon and a delete icon.


    For tables, you can only copy the table element or a table row (tr).

  4. Select the copy icon (overlapping files).

    Copy icon in XML Tree View. It is two overlapping documents with the corners folded over.

    Paligo creates a copy of the selected element. It places the copy directly after the element you selected.

    XML Tree View of a topic's structure. It shows a procedure element has been copied and the copy is placed immediately after the original version.


    If you copy an element that has elements inside it ("children"), Paligo will make copies of the "child" elements too. For example, if you copy a procedure with three steps, Paligo will create a duplicate procedure that also has three steps. The procedures and steps all have unique IDs so that if you change them, they do not affect the original version.

    To learn more about the parent-child relationships between elements in a topic, see Understanding Content Structures

  5. If you need to move the copy to a new position in the structure, select it in the XML Tree View and drag it to the new position.

    To learn more about moving elements, see Move Block Elements with XML Tree View.

You can use the Element Structure Menu to create a copy of an element. You can then add the copy to the same topic or a different topic, either as a unique piece of content or as a reused element.

To use the Element Structure Menu to copy content:

  1. Click inside the block element you want to cut or copy.

  2. Select the same element in the Element Structure Menu. For example, if you wanted to copy a paragraph, select para#text.

    Paligo editor. A close-up of the Element Structure Menu shows that the para element has been selected, revealing a menu of options.
  3. Select Copy.

    Element Structure Menu. The Copy option is being selected.

    Paligo creates a copy of the element. The copy is stored in your computer's clipboard so that you can paste it into your content.

  4. Place the cursor in the position where you want to add the copied/cut element. It is important that you position the cursor at a position where the element is valid. For example, if you have cut or copied a listitem, you can place the cursor in an itemizedlist.


    If you want to add the copy to a different topic, open the other topic in the editor. But make sure you do not copy anything else to your computer's clipboard or you will lose the copy.

  5. Select the element in the Element Structure Menu. (The element for the position in the structure that you selected in the previous step).

  6. Select one of the following options:

    • Paste before - Paligo will reuse the original content above the selected position. If you edit this "copy", your changes will also affect the original too.

    • Paste after - Paligo will reuse the original content below the selected position. If you edit this "copy", your changes will also affect the original too.

    • Insert - Paligo will insert the copy into the selected element. The copy has a unique ID. If you make changes to it, those changes will not affect the original version.

    • Insert as reuse - Paligo will reuse the original content inside the selected element. If you edit this "copy", your changes will also affect the original.


    The Insert and Insert as reuse option is only shown if the copied element is valid in the new position. For example, if you copy a step element and try to insert it into a para element, Paligo will not show the Insert option. (A step is not valid inside a paragraph).

  7. Select Save. Save icon.